วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

ความรู้: นิดๆหน่อยๆทางภาษาอังกฤษช่วยเราได้

คำศัพท์เกี่ยวกับคำ anxiety กังวลใจ
1.      anxiety   กังวลใจ
2.      apprehend ประหวั่นใจ
3.      anguish ทุกข์ใจ
4.      unease   ไม่สะดวกใจ
5.      concern   กังวล/ห่วง
6.      nervous   กระสับกระส่าย
7.      misgiving   หวั่นใจ/แคลงใจ
8.      qualm   หวั่นใจ
9.      disquiet   ใจไม่อยู่สุข
10.  distress   เศร้า
11.  unnerved   ย่อท้อ
12.  distraught   จิตว้าวุ่น
13.  defensive   ใจไม่สงบตั้งท่ารับ/ขัดขืน
14.  threatened   ไม่ปลอดภัย
15.  uneasiness   ใจไม่สงบ
16.  edgy   หงุดหงิดใจง่าย
17.  jittery   กระวนกระวายใจ
18.  trepidation   ประหวั่นใจ/กังวล
19.  timid   ใจปลอด
20.  tense   ใจเครียด
21.  uneasy   ไม่สะดวกใจ
22.  consternation   ขวัญหนีดีฝ่อ
23.  worry   กังวล
Intrinsic value:   dignity ความสง่างามติดตัวมา
Acquired value:   stature   คุณลักษณะดีสร้างมาเอง
Relative value:   status   สถานะจากการสร้างสัมพันธ์
Attributed value:   image   ภาพลักษณ์ที่คนเขาให้กับเรา
Assumed value:   class   ชนชั้นเราคิดกำหนดขึ้นมาเอง
Distinct stages of problems: ขั้นตอนโดดเด่นในการแก้ปัญหา
1.      orienting---turning your attention   พุ่งเป้า
2.      observing---paying careful attention   เอาใจใส่
3.      appraisal---evaluating the impact   ประเมินผล
4.      deciding---creating alternatives   สร้างสรรค์ทางเลือก
5.      acting---carrying out the decisions   ดำเนินการตามนั้น
6.      reappraising---reflecting on the appraisal   หวลกลับมาประเมินผลลัพธ์อีก
คำศัพท์ ที่เกี่ยวกับคำว่า Cope: (เพื่อแก้ปัญหา)
1.      to battle with 
2.      to contend
3.      to face
4.      to carry on
5.      to deal
6.      to get by
7.      to confront
8.      to endure
9.      to grapple
10.  to handle
11.  to live with
12.  to manage
13.  to struggle
14.  to suffer
15.  to survive
16.  to tangle
17.  to weather
18.  to wrestle
1.      humility/arrogance
2.      stillness/aggression/destruction
3.      cooperation/competition
4.      needs/wants
5.      dignity/disrespect
6.      compassion/belligerence
7.      authentic/bogus
8.      inclusion/exclusion
9.      generosity/greed
10.  peer/power
11.  candor/deceit
12.  stature/status
13.  detachment/attachment
14.  in-group/out-group
15.  physical/psychological
16.  public/private
17.  customer/consumer
18.  anorexia/bulimia
19.  pessimist/optimist
20.  participant/bystander
All authentic sources of stature/pride/prestige/self-esteem: (แหล่งที่มา)
1.      knowledge ความรู้
2.      charisma คุณลักษณะติดมาแต่เกิด
3.      wit ปัญญา
4.      creativity การสร้างสรรค์
5.      beauty ความสวยงาม
6.      experience ประสบการณ์
7.      talent ความสามารถ
8.      reputation เชื่อเสียง
9.      skill ความชำนาญ
10.  strength กำลัง
11.  fitness ความสมบูรณ์
12.  sensitivity รับรู้ความรู้สึก
13.  curiosity อยากรู้ยากเห็น
14.  stamina อดมนอดกลั้น
15.  intelligence ฉลาด
16.  humility สุภาพถ่อมตน
17.  judgment การตัดสิน
18.  courage กล้าหาญ
19.  kindness ใจกรุณา
20.  empathy สงสาร
21.  companionship มิตร
22.  admired DNA เกรดดี
23.  youth หนุ่มแน่น
24.  wisdom ภูมิปัญญา
25.  veracity จริงใจ
26.  integrity ซื่อสัตย์
27.  emotional competency ควบคลุมอารมณ์
28.  positive influence อิทธิพลบารมี
29.  patience อดทน
30.  self-restraint คลุมใจได้
31.  altruismเพื่อมนุษย์ชาติ
32.  compassion ส่วนร่วมอารมฯ
33.  developing your strengths พัฒนาข้อดี
34.  applying your strengths constructively ใช้ข้อดีอย่างสร้างสรรค์
Tension is who you think you should be.
Relaxation is who you are.
Judge the person, not their money.
Less is more.
Keep in mind that acting in anger inevitably creates more anger.
An angry man opens his mouth and shut his eyes.
We only see what we focus on.
Human memory is story-based.
Do not generalize from anecdotal evidence, instead seek out systematic evidence.
Popularity breeds popularity.
He that would govern others first should be the master of himself.
Leadership is not about controlling people; it is about caring for people and being a useful resource for people.
We all rely on others-locally and globally.
Success has many parents, but failure is an orphan.
Life is not what it is supposed to be. It’s what it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
We must become the change we seek.
People change when they are ready, willing, and able to.
We appraise events based on their impact on our goals.
Goals are dreams with deadlines.
Our life and health depend on meeting certain needs.
Stature is the ability to help others.
Our mind consults our body along with our brains.
Emotions are accurate indicators of what we truly regard as important.
Do not gloat or become self-righteous, disrespectful, sarcastic, spiteful, or vengeful when expressing your intolerance.
We have enough when we all have all our needs met.
Enough can bring us peace of mind, integrity, tranquility, clean air, clean water, beauty of nature, a healthy environment, awe, family friendships, community, safety, stability, trust, leisure time, joyful play, transcendence.
Anxiety is the interest paid on trouble before it is due.
All that matters make us anxious.
Character is tested whenever power clashes with evidence.
A lie unchallenged becomes the truth.
You are entitled to your opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts.
The truly humble person cannot be humiliated.
Stress allows us to meet and overcome challenges and problems.
Those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it.
Every human life is precious and unique and is worth living to the fullest, here and now.
With great power there must also come great responsibility.
A woman wants most everything a man wants, success, power, status, money, love, marriage, children, happiness, fulfillment.
Only one life to live!
We are the creators of our own experiences.
คำศัพท์เกี่ยวกับ Tyrant:
1.      dictator
2.      despot
3.      autocrat
4.      authoritarian
5.      imperialist
6.      fascist
7.      Czars
8.      Monarch
9.      Tyranny
10.  Totalitarianism
11.  Absolute rule
12.  Nazis
13.  Oppression
1.      to avoid
2.      to misdirect
3.      to mishandle
4.      to disregard
5.      to evade
6.      to flee
7.      to retreat
8.      to run away
9.      to neglect
Things you cannot change:
1.      the past
2.      your history
3.      the laws of physics
4.      the weather
5.      human nature ( yours or others)
6.      personality traits (Yours or others)
7.      person’s beliefs
8.      someone who does not want to change
9.      human needs
10.  sexual preference
11.  your talent
12.  things
13.   you do not acknowledge
1.      sadness
2.      anguish
3.      blue
4.      dejected
5.      disappointed
6.      discouraged
7.      displeased
8.      dissatisfied
9.      distraught
10.  dismay
11.  feeling bad
12.  feeling uncomfortable
13.  grief
14.  homesick
15.  lonely
16.  miserable
17.  regret
18.  sad
19.  shock
20.  suffering
21.  hurt
22.  uneasy
23.  unhappy
24.  upset
25.  sorrowful
1.      to contemplate
2.      to think
3.      to consider
4.      to conceive
5.      to perceive
6.      to realize
7.      to know
8.      to decide
9.      to recall
10.  to reminisce
11.  to remind
12.  to design
13.  to compose
14.  to meditate
15.   to assess

1.      Fear
2.      Horror
3.      Fright
4.      Petrified
5.      Scared
6.      Shocked
7.      Hysterical
8.      Mortified
9.      Terrified
Somatic Markers  (ตัวชี้ความรู้สึก)
How we feel influences the decisions we make. Our mind consults our body along with our brain.
Emotions reveal appraisals.
Emotions interrupt and alert us to important events. They are accurate indicators of what we truly regard as important. The core relational theme of each emotion is constant; if we know the theme that evoked it and the story it tells. Because our emotions depend on our appraisals, knowing the resulting emotions can tell us a lot about the thinking that went into the appraisal. Emotions help us read minds; they provide valuable clues to what is truly important to us and to others. For example:
·         We become surprised because the event was unexpected.
·         We are afraid because we perceive the threat of imminent danger.
·         We are anxious because of an uncertain threat.
·         We become angry because we blame someone for an unjust loss.
·         We feel guilty because we have failed to meet another’s standard of behavior.
·         We feel shame because we failed to meet our own standards.
·         We gloat when we are pleased about another person’s mishap.
·         We hate when we dislike others enough to blame them for our own troubles.
·         We are sad because we have suffered a loss.
·         We envy someone because we want what they have.
·         We are jealous because we fear we are unloved.
·         We become disgusted when we encounter something toxic.
·         We are happy because we are progressing toward a goal.
·         We are proud because we are feeling good about ourselves.
·         We are relieved when a treat has passed.
·         We are hoping for the best.
·         We are in loved! Who do we love? Why do we resonate together? Why are we attracted to them? Why do we care about them?
·         We are grateful for the unselfish kindness toward us.
·         We pity someone; we feel compassion for them. Why we are moved by their feeling?
·         Ambivalence reveals unresolved conflict between two or more goals. What goals are conflicting? What values can resolve the conflict?
People who feel ashamed want to withdraw or hide.
If you are confident you have done your best, there is no reason to feel ashamed.
He says what he means, and means what he says.
Assessment is the work of defining the problem.
Your freedom ends where mine begins.
Think for yourself and let the others enjoy the privilege to do so too.
One has no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.
คุณลักษณะนิสัยของพวก Melancholic
พวก  black bile, ขี่หงุดหงิด nervous , เป็นธาตุ ดิน earth, เทียบได้กับฤดูใบไม้ล่วง autumn, คนเป็นผู้ใหญ่แล้ว middle-adult hood, เทียบสีก็ได้ออกไปทางสีดำหรือสีน้ำเงิน เป็นดาวเสาร์ Saturn, นิสัยออกไปทางเยือกเย็น แล้งน้ำใจ สัตว์สัญญาลักษณ์คือพวก หมู แมว และนกฮูก pig, cat, and owl,  อาชีพที่เหมาะคือ พวกนักบวช นักเขียน นักปรัชญา และนักศิลปะ
พวก Melancholic:
·         Is self-conscious, easily embarrassed, timid, bashful.
·         Avoid talking before group; when obliged to he finds it difficult.
·         Prefers to work and play alone.
·         Is deliberative; slow in making decision; perhaps overcautious even in minor matters.
·         Is lacking confident and initiative; compliant and yielding.
·         Tends to detachment from environment; reserved and distant except to intimate friends.
·         Tends to depression; frequently moody and gloomy; very sensitive; easily hurt.
·         Do not form acquaintances readily; prefers narrow range of friends; tend to exclude others.
·         Worries over possible misfortunes; crosses bridges before coming to them.
·         Is secretive; seclusive; shut in; not inclined to speak unless spoken to.
·         Is slow in movement; deliberative or perhaps indecisive; moods frequent and constant.
·         Is often represents himself at a disadvantage; modest and unassuming.
·         Is feebly excited by whatever acts upon him.
·         Inclination to reflection.
·         The thoughts of these people are far reaching.
·         Dwells with pleasure upon the past and is preoccupied by occurrences of the long ago; he is penetrating; is not satisfied with the superficial.
·         His thoughts are of wide range; he looks ahead into the future.
·         Is soft-hearted disposition.
·         He hardly permits his excitement to be noticed outwardly.
·         He does not feel at home among the crowds for any length of time.
·         He loves silence and solitude.
·         By reason of his lack of observation and his dreaming he has many mishaps in his daily life and at his work.
·         He looks at life always from the serious side.
·         Inclination to passivity.
·         He is reserved; finds it difficult to form new acquaintances and speaks little among strangers.
·         He is irresolute; can hardly reach a decision.
·         He is a man of missed opportunities.
·         He easily gives way to others, and does not stubbornly insist on his own opinion.
·         He is despondent and without courage.
·         He is pusillanimous and timid if he called upon to begin a new work.
·         He has a strong will to couple with talent and power, but not courage.
·         He himself naturally does not believe that he is a slow worker.
·         He does not seek honor or recognition.
·         He is loathe appearing in public and be praised.
·         It is difficult to deal with melancholic person.
·         He is a good counselor in difficulties, and a prudent, trustworthy, and well-meaning superior.
·         He has great sympathy with his fellow men and a keen desire to help them.
·         He can hardly forgive offences. Strong aversion easily takes root in his heart against persons from whom he has suffered.
·         He is very suspicious. He rarely trust people and is always afraid that others have a grudge against him.
·         He sees everything from the dark side.
·         Persons who always expect a bad result; hypochondriacs; misanthropes.
·         He is always inclined to have his own way.
·         He occupies himself too much with the faults of others.
·         In his entire deportment he presents many riddles to those who do not understand the peculiarities of the melancholic temperament.
·         In dealing with melancholic person, rude reproach, harsh treatment, hardness of heart cast him down and paralyzes his efforts. Friendly advice and patience with his slow actions give him courage and vigor. He will show himself gratefully for such kindness.
Humans have many ways to slight others and humiliate them. For example:
·         Overlooking someone, taking them for granted, ignoring them, giving them silent treatment, treating them as invisible, or making them wait unnecessarily for you.
·         Rejecting someone, holding them distant, abandoned, or isolated.
·         Withholding acknowledgement, denying recognition, manipulating recognition.
·         Denying someone basic amenities, needs, or human dignity.
·         Manipulating people or treating them like objects or animals, rather than as a person.
·         Treating people unfairly.
·         Domination, control, manipulation, abandonment.
·         Threats or abuse including: verbal, physical, psychological, or sexual.
·         Assault, attack, or injury.
·         Reduction in rank, responsibility, role, title, positional power, or authority.
·         Betrayal, or being cheated, lied to, defrauded, suckered, or duped.
·         Being laughed at, mocked, teased, ridiculed, given a dirt look, spit on, or made to look stupid, or foolish.
·         Being the victim of a practical joke, prank, or confidence scheme.
·         False accusation or insinuation.
·         Public shame, disrespect, or being, downgrade, defeated, or slighted.
·         Forced nakedness.
·         Rape or incest.
·         Seeing your love interest flirt with another, induced jealousy, violating your love interest, cuckolding.
·         Seeing your wife, girlfriend, sister, or daughter sexually violated.
·         Dishonor.
·         Poverty, unemployment, bad investments, debt, bankruptcy, foreclosure, imprisonment, homelessness, punishment, powerlessness.
·         Denigration of a person’s values, beliefs, heritage, race, gender, appearance, characteristics, or affiliations.
·         Dependency, especially on weaker people.
·         Losing a dominance contest. Being forced to submit.
·         Trespass such as violating privacy or other boundaries.
·         Violating , denying, or suppressing human rights
·         Losing basic personal freedoms such a mobility, access, or autonomy; being controlled, dominated, intruded on, exploited, or manipulated.
·         Diminished competency resulting from being disabled, immobilized, tricked, weakened, trapped, mislead, thwarted goals, opposed, sabotage, or let down.
·         Diminished resources resulting from being defrauded, cheated, evicted, or being deprived of privileges, or rights.
·         Having safety or security reduced by intimidation or threat.
·         Dismissing, discounting, or silencing your story.
·         Being treated as an equal by a lower stature person.
An insult hurts, but it is important to resolve in your own mind, based on evidence, why the insult hurts. What loss does it represent to you? Decide if the insult:
·         Is an unjustified attack that does not decrease your stature, diminish your self-image, nor tarnish your public image or reputation, or
·         Is justified and has diminished your public image or reputation, or
·         Is justified and has diminished or revised your self-image.
Begin the analysis by deciding if the insult is based on information that accurately represents you. Then reflect and consider if your image accurately represents your stature. If you decide the insult is unjustified then you can simply ignore it or you can describe why it is unfair and ask your offender for an apology. If your public image exceeds your stature, then the insult may be a justifiable retaliation for your arrogance and it may contain an important message you can learn from. If the insult is justified it may cause you to feel shame and then lead you to revise your self-image to better align it with your stature. The insult is never justified if it is an attempt to reduce your stature below the threshold of human dignity.
Not until I became a mother did understand how much my mother had sacrificed for me; not until I became a mother did I feel how hurt my mother was when I disobeyed; not until I became a mother did I know how proud my mother was when I achieved; not until I became a mother did I realize how much my mother loves me.
A man leaves all kinds of footprints when he walks through life. Some you can see, like his children and his house. Others are invisible, like the prints he leaves across other people’s lives, the help he gives them and what he has said—his jokes, gossip that has hurt others, encouragement. A man does not think about it, but every where he passes, he leaves some kind of mark. All these marks added together are what man means.
Our perceptions are more accurate when we are alert, aware, and conscious of our environment.
The obvious is not always true, and many things that are true are not at all obvious.
Everyone thinks; it is our nature to do so. But much of our thinking, left to itself, is biased, distorted, partial, uninformed, or down-right prejudiced.
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
It isn’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It is what you know for sure that isn’t so.
คุณลักษระนิสัยคน Choleric:
เป็นพวก yellow bile ธาตุไฟ เทียบได้กับฤดู Summer วัยรุ่น early adulthood ประเภท Hot and Dry สัตว์สัญญาลักษร์คือ สิงโต ดวงดาว Mars อาชีพที่เหมาะ นักการเมือง ทหาร ผู้ก่อตั้ง กำนัน นายอำเภอ ข้าราชการ นักธุรกิจใหญ่
·         Seldom shows embarrassment, is forward or bole.
·         Is insistent upon the acceptance of his ideas or plans; argumentative and persuasive.
·         Is impetuous and impulsive.
·         Is self-confident and self reliant.
·         Is very sensitive and easily hurt.
·         Is quick and decisive in movement.
·         A man of enthusiasm; is not satisfied with the ordinary.
·         He seeks large fortunes.
·         He is ambitious.
·         He is a man of reason.
·         He is usually endowed with considerable intelligence.
·         A strong will. He is not frightened by difficulties.
·         He does not know the pusillanimity or despondency.
·         He is stubborn and opinionated.
·         He wants to have the last word, tolerates no contradiction.
·         He relies too much on upon his own knowledge and ability.
·         He despises his fellow man. To his mind others are ignorant, weak, unskilled, and slow, at least when compared with himself.
·         He is domineering and inordinately ambitious. To subject others to himself.
·         “Be the first in the smallest Alpine village than the second in Rome.” Julius Caesar
·         His anger easily degenerates into hatred.
·         Grievous offenses he cannot forget. He uses hypocrisy, deception, and even outright lies, if he realizes that he cannot carry out his plans by force.
·         He has two head but no heart. Lack of sympathy.
·         Effeminate, sentimental dispositions are repugnant to him.
·         The choleric must combat his pride and anger continually.
·         Choleric are capable of great benefit to their family, their surroundings, their parish, or the state on account of their ability.
·         It is absolutely necessary to remain calm and to allow the choleric to cool off and then to persuade him to accept the guidance in order to correct his faults and bring out the good in him.
คุณลักษณะของพวก  Phlegmatic:
พวกมีเสลดมาก  Phlegm ธาตุน้ำ water เทียบได้กับฤดู หนาว winter คนแก่ old-aged adulthood เทียบได้กับสี white or green สัญญาลักษณ์ พระจันทร์ the moon พวก cold and wet สัตว์สัญญาลักษณ์   lamp and turtle อาชีพที่เหมาะสม ยาม พวกทำงานใช้ความอดทน ไม่ชอบใช้สมอง
·         He is deliberative, slow in making decision, overcautious in minor matters.
·         Is indifferent to external affairs.
·         Is reserved and distant เก็บตัวเงียบ
·         Is slow in movement.
·         Has a marked tendency to persevere.
·         Exhibits a constancy of mood.
·         Is not touched by impressions.
·         The reaction is feeble or entirely missing.
·         Has very little interest in whatever goes on about him.
·         Has little inclination to work, but prefers repose and leisure. With him everything proceeds and develops slowly.
·         Is not easily exasperated either offenses or by failures or suffering, thoughtful, deliberate, and has a cold, sober, and practical judgment.
·         Has no intense passions and does not demand much of life.
·         Is very much inclined to ease, to eating and drinking; is lazy and neglects his duty.
·         No ambition, and does not aspire to lofty things.
·         Internal personal motives are lacking.

คุณลักษณะพวก Sanguine:
พวกมีเลือดมาก เทียบได้กับ Blood ปรียบเหมือนกับ อากาศ air เทียบได้กับฤดู spring เหมือน เด็กๆ childhood เทียบได้กับสีสด sunny yellow ดาว Venus พวก hot and moist สัตว์สัญญาลักษณ์ ape and goat อาชีพที่เหมาะสม เจ้าของกิจการ ศิลปิน พวกสร้างสรรค์ผลงาน เจ้าของ farm
·         Seldom shows sign of embarrassment.
·         Is eager to express himself before group; like to be heard.
·         Agrees readily with others’ wishes; compliant and yielding.
·         Prefers activities requiring pep and energy.
·         His decisions are often (usually) wrong.
·         Is keenly alive to environment, physical and social; likes curiosity.
·         Is a follower; lacks initiative.
·         Is hearty and cordial, forms acquaintanceship easily.
·         Is carefree; not selective.
·         Turns from one activity to another in rapid succession; little perseverance.
·         Makes adjustments easily; welcomes changes.
·         Is frank, talkable, social, does not stand on ceremony.
·         Has frequent fluctuation of mood.
·         Does not penetrate the depth, the essence of things, is satisfied with the superficial and with the part of the whole.
·         He often imagines that he has grasped the subject wholly and perfectly.
·         He is instable.
·         He is unstable in his resolutions.
·         He loves variety in everything.
·         He resembles a bee which flies from flower to flower.
·         He is noted for his facility and vivacity of speech.
·         He looks everything from the bright side. He is optimistic.
·         Is susceptible to flattery.
·         It is hard for the sanguine to be impartial and just.
·         He is an extrovert. He can pleasantly entertain his fellow men by his interesting narratives and witticisms.
·         He is compassionate whenever a mishap befalls his neighbor and is always ready to cheer him by a friendly remark.
·         He has a remarkable faculty of drawing the attention of his fellow men to their faults without causing immediate and great displeasure.
·         When he has given vent to his wrath, he is again pleasant and bears no grudge.
·         He has many qualities by which he wins the affection of his superior.
·         He is pliable and docile.
·         He must cultivate his good traits, as charity, obedience, candor, cheerfulness, and sanctify these natural good qualities by supernatural motives.
·         He must continually struggle against those faults to which he is so much inclined by his natural disposition, such as vanity and self-complacency; love of particular friendships; sentimentality; sensuality; jealousy; levity ;superficiality; instability.
·         It is advisable to think twice before taking a sanguine person into confidence.
·         For the sanguine person, perseverance at work and observance of order must be continually insisted upon.
1.      Party, policy, politician, voter, votes, candidate, advantage, popularity
2.      House  seats, representative, parliament, proportionate vote
3.      Direct vote, victory, strength, projection, constituency, a shoo-in candidate
4.      Party-list seats, straw poll, publicity stunt, rival, opinion poll
5.      Popular vote, the Election Commission, candidacy qualifications
6.      Province, domination and popularity, region, canvasser, balloting day
7.      A total of, majority, minority, a wide range of, the Bureau of Registration Administration, an unofficial roster of candidates
8.      To vie, to allocate, to contest, to grab, to ensure, to overtake
9.      To share, to win, to enjoy, to outpace, to claim, its chances of winning
10.  Outcome, media attention, popular sentiment, a critical factor
11.   To predict, to conduct, to decide, to make inroads, to be expected to
12.  Stiff competition, to retain the dominant hold, voter turnout, a rough allocation of 300,000 votes per seat, a fierce struggle, campaign billboards, sound bites
13.  To feel overloaded in coping with a sudden surge of information bombardment
14.  To reinvigorate, to enhance, to boost, to strengthen, to allot
15.  To jump on the bandwagon, schism, a debt moratorium,
16.  Laptop, Smartphone, tablet computers, mobile gadgets, influence
17.  To release, to experience, demographic changes, prosperity, economic security, working-age adults, the young, the old, the decline in the number of children
18.  Economic growth, GDP, a baby bust, its magnitude and the speed, the census
คำศัพท์เกี่ยวข้องกับคำ Reciprocity (mutual exchange)
Related term:
Returning favors, cooperation, social obligation, squaring accounts, payback, setting the score, fairness, fair is fair, tit-for-tat, quip pro quo, you will get what you deserve, what goes around come around, we reap what we sow
ประโยคที่น่าสนใจ Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.
Generosity pays. ช่วยเขาแล้วเขาจะช่วยเรา Help yourself by helping others.
Whatever you want for yourself you should also be willing to give to the other party.
Pay me now or pay me later. ใช้ก่อนจ่ายที่หลัง
Trust is earned from a long history of reliable exchanges.
A community is a social group where each individual has a significant relationship with every other individual.
คุณค่า  Values: what we find most important
What is most important to you? What are your priorities? What is worth defending and protecting? What are your values?
Abraham Maslow identified 16 subtle (easily displaced, vulnerable, fragile, delicate, intricate) values common to self-actualizing people he called Being-Values, or B-Values.
These are: wholeness, perfection, completion, justice, aliveness, richness, beauty, goodness, uniqueness, effortlessness, playfulness, truth, honesty, and self-sufficiency.
The Universal theory of human values: Shalom H. Schwartz
1.      Achievement: personal success through demonstrating competence according to social standard.
2.      Benevolence: preserving and enhancing the welfare of those with whom one is in frequent personal contact (the in-group).
3.      Conformity: restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses likely to upset or harm others and violate social expectations or norms.
4.      Hedonism: pleasure and sensuous gratification for oneself.
5.      Power: social status and prestige, control and dominance over people and resources.
6.      Security: safety, harmony, and stability of society, of relationships, and of self.
7.      Self-direction: independent thought and action; choosing, creating, exploring.
8.      Stimulation: excitement, novelty, and challenge in life.
9.      Tradition: respect, commitment, and acceptance of the customs and ideas that traditional culture or religion provide the self.
10.  Universalism: understanding, appreciation, tolerance, and protection for the welfare of all people and for nature.
When discussing values it is important to be clear about “what’s up”—what specific values are considered most important.
Knowing yourself requires a careful examination of your own values and beliefs. What are they? How did they originate? What are they based on? Why do you hold these beliefs?
Are they based on reliable evidence? Are your actions consistent with your beliefs? How do your beliefs align with your values? How have they evolved over your lifetime? How do they help you live a gratifying life?

