วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554


1. Each of us deserve respect simply because of our humanity.
2. You get respect when you give it; respect breeds respect.
3. We feel contempt when we hold someone responsible for their own mishap.
4. We feel compassion when people suffer misfortune through no fault or their own.
5. Sympathy sees and says,' I'm sorry.' Compassion feels and whispers,' I'll help.'
6. Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are. Chinese proverb.
7. When we are in good mood, stress is transformed into interest.
8. Reality is always your friend.
9. Nature cannot be fooled.
10. Character is tested whenever power clashes with evidence.
11. To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.
12. The pen is mightier than the sword.
13. To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves.
14. Blame is where we try to park our grief.
15. Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything.  Einstein
16. Success has many parents, but failure is an orphan.
17. People seek challenges to increase pride.
18. Opinions run most wild where evidence is least available.
19. People often base their decisions on how they feel. It is certainly faster and easier than analysis, investigation, and deliberation.
20. Humans are not sheep; don't go along just to get along. You are a competent, autonomous adult. You are fully responsible for all your decisions and beliefs. Have the courage to question. Make your own decisions, choose your own beliefs, act congruently with your values.
21. We don't see the world as it is. We see it as we are.
22. We influence others by changing their points of view.
23. The most strongly bias viewpoint in the world is your own.
24. If you believe your faith is the true faith, are you willing to believe that other faiths are equally true?
25. Narrow minds have the most room for expansion.
26. Assimilate new information into your worldview and adjust your worldview to accommodate the new evidence.
27. There are many sides to every story.
28. History is usually written by the victors. May stories are deliberate distortion designed to pitch a particular viewpoint or idea.
29. Anything that is comforting, flattering, convenient, fun, popular, charming, inspirational, promising, or justifies what you are already doing is easy to believe.
30. Do not generalize from anecdotal evidence, instead seek out systematic evidence.
31. We all establish boundaries that we don't expect others to cross.
32. We are inherently biased. We invariably overestimate our positive qualities; nearly everyone considers themselves above average in characteristics important to their self-image. We claim more than our share of credit when things go well and we avoid blame when things go bad.
33. We judge people we identify with more leniently and favorably than we judge people we don't like. 
34. We offer advice to others more easily than we accept advice from others.
35. We judge others based on behavior and we judge ourselves based on intent.
36. We each tend to believe that our point of view is the correct one.
37. Most organizations are not democracies.
38. Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.
39.Money can buy pleasure, but it cannot buy gratification.
40. What you do is important. Comparision to others is not important.


