วันพุธที่ 15 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Humiliation:no one likes being treated as dirt

Humiliation: no one likes being treated like dirt ไม่มีใครที่อยากจะถูกตราหน้าว่าเป็นคนไร้ค่า
วันนี้เรามาเรียนรู้เรื่อง Humiliation กันสักหน่อยเพื่อเราจะได้อยู่ในสังคมมนุษย์อย่างมีความสุขและสบายใจ

Humiliation บทความนี้มาจาก Leland R. Beaumont อ่านแล้วก็ลองคิดหาวิธีแก้ไข
You have been insulted, your ego is bruised; your pride is hurt, you have been shown powerless and diminished in some way. You have just been humiliated, and you don’t like feeling foolish. Humiliation often results in violent retaliation and revenge. Humiliation is hurtful. Often the painful experience is vividly remembered for a long time. Your vindictive passions are aroused and a humiliated fury may result. When you are humiliated three parties are involved: 1) the perpetrator ผู้กระทำ 2) the victim ผู้ถูกกระทำ 3) the witness or observers to the event ผู้รับรู้การกระทำ

Forms of humiliation รูปแบบของการถูก humiliated มีอะไรบ้าง ลองอ่านดู มีข้อความไหนที่คุณ….
*overlooking someone, taking them for granted, ignoring them, giving them the silent treatment, treating them as invisible, or making them wait unnecessarily for you,
*rejecting someone, holding them distant, abandoned, or isolated,
*withholding acknowledgement, denying recognition, manipulating recognition,
*denying someone basic social amenities, needs, or human dignity,
*manipulating people or treating them like objects or animals, rather than as a person,
*treating people unfairly,
*domination, control, manipulation, abandonment,
*threats or abuse including: verbal, physical, psychological, or sexual,
*assault, attack, or injury,
*reduction in rank, responsibility, role, title, position power, or authority,
*betrayal, or being cheated, lied to, defrauded, suckered, or duped,
*being laughed at, mocked, teased, ridiculed, given a dirty look, spit on, or made to look stupid,
*being the victim of practical joke, prank, or confidence scheme,
*false accusation or insinuation,
*public shame, disrespect, or being dis’ed, downgraded, defeated, or slighted,
 *forced nakedness,
*rape or incest,
*seeing your love interest flirt with another, induced jealousy, violating your love interest, cuckolding,
*seeing your wife, girlfriend, sister, or daughter sexually violated,
*poverty, unemployment, bad investment, debt, bankruptcy, foreclosure, imprisonment, homelessness, punishment, powerlessness,
*denigration of person’s values, beliefs, heritage, race, gender, appearance, characteristics, or affiliations,
*dependency, especially on weaker people,
*losing a dominance contest, being forced to submit,
*trespass such as violating privacy or other boundaries,
*violating, denying, or suppressing human rights,
*losing basic personal freedoms such as mobility, access, or autonomy; being controlled, dominated, intruded on, exploited, or manipulated,
*diminished competency resulting from being disabled, immobilized, tricked, weakened, trapped, mislead, thwarted goals, opposed, sabotage, or let down,
*diminished resources resulting from being defrauded, robbed, cheated, evicted, or being deprived of privileges, or rights,
*having safety or security reduced by intimidation or threat,
*dismissing, discounting, or silencing your story,
*being treated as an equal by a lower stature person,

Humiliation and shame นั้นไม่เหมือนกัน you agree with shame and you disagree with humiliation. Humiliation is suffering an insult. If you judge the insult to be credible, then you feel shame. Humiliation is more demeaning and hurtful than “taking offense” at something. “Taking offense” is cognitive; you have questioned, disagreed with, or attacked my beliefs and perhaps my values. We disagree, and I think you are wrong. Offense is intellectual; it is about what I think. “Humiliation is visceral; you have attacked me, my being, mu self, and made me feel foolish about who I am. The attack is personal and credible enough that you have caused me to doubt my own worth, and thereby induced my shame. Humiliation is existential; it is about who I am.

