วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Hate by Leland R. Beaumont เรียบเรียงโดย ม.โชคชัย

บทความนี้เรียงเรียงไว้เพื่อให้อ่านเข้าใจง่าย มีประโยชน์ต่อทุกคน

Hate: Intense dislike

The ability to quickly separate friend from foe is an essential survival strategy because mistaking an enemy for a friend can be deadly. The passions of hate arise from several features of our thinking process. They include wanting to assign blame for misfortune, protecting for our self-esteem, a desire to strengthen our community, alleviating our fears, and several types of error in reasoning. The ability to quickly separate friend from foe is essential to self-defense and safety and provides the origins of hate.

Who do we hold responsible when bad things happen? Of course, if we want to affirm our stature, preserve our self-esteem, avoid shame, and preserve our pride, it does not help to blame ourselves. So we conveniently assign blame to others. Since we don't like bad things to happen and since bad things are caused by the others, the enemy we hate them for it. We frame the opposition as the enemy. It's the victims versus the villains, good versus evil, us versus them, in-group versus out-group, and friend versus foe. It is often easier to reject the other than to work to understand their point-of-view.

Hostility toward the out-group increase the coercion of the in-group and increase the sense of loyalty and belonging to our community. The in-group always finds reason to see itself as superior. We attempt to raise our self-esteem by contrasting ourselves with the evil, the enemy. We contempt them, and contempt always distance us from these unworthy people; at time we feel compelled to escape the threat or want to destroy the enemy. Threat strongly arouses our simple and primitive urge to ' kill or be killed ' hence the revenge is pursued with a vengeance to eliminate the threat.

Disrespect is the precursor to hate. Heed the warning. Reevaluate the evidence, eliminate the distorted thinking, correct the error in reasoning,and reject the temptation to dismiss the other. Empathy, compassion, and cooperation are ubiquitous strengths of human nature use them reasonably. A wide variety of error in reasoning allow us to sustain hate. Choosing to hate is an ineffective shortcut that avoids the hard work of analyzing the problem in depth. It attributes blame incorrectly. Overgeneralizations about members of a group based on race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, or religious beliefs, along with profession and social class are common stereotypes of the cause of hate. Egocentrism, the unshakable belief that 'I am correct ', self-justification, and the need to be right leads us too quickly to the conclusion that others are wrong, they are the obstacles, the source of problems, evil, and need to be eliminated. We deny contrary evidence.

Stress and fear, also hypersensitivity to criticism can cause us to revert to hate. Our desire to go along with the group and the group-think tendencies, can compromise our good judgment. Remember hate traps us by binding us too tightly to our adversary. Too often it is easier to hate than to understand. Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends.


passion   อารมณ์ความรู้สึก
several features  คุณลักษณ์หลายอย่าง
the origin of hate ต้นเหตุของความเกลียดชัง
the in-group  พวกเดียวกัน   the out-group  คนละพวก
overgeneralization  ความคิดโดยทั่วๆไปที่ว่า....
egocentrism  ลัทธิเห็นแก่ตัว
common stereotypes ตัวอย่างที่เห็นกันทั่วๆไป
hypersensitivity to criticism  มีความรู้สึกต่อการถูกวิจารณ์ง่ายมากๆ
compromise ส่งผลเสียต่อ/มีผลเสียต่อ
the revenge is pursued  การแก้แค้นจะถูกนำมาใช้
the precursor ตัวบอกเหตุ
our adversary  ศัตรูของเรา/ความเกลียดชังของเรา
to be eliminated  ถูกกำจัดทิ้งไป


