วันอังคารที่ 7 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Leadership and Tyranny ผู้นำและทรราช

ข้อมูลน่าเรียนรู้โดยการเปรียบเทียบของ Leland R. Beaumont

Leaders                                                                                     Tyrants                                                                                                

visionary; hold a clear, compelling, well thought-out,        visionary, but fixiated on a narrow view.
and constructive vision for the future.

determined; persistently pursue the goal, undaunted         relentless, tenatious, unyielding, stubborn
by obstacles and setbacks.                                                      rigid, dogmatic and closed-mind.

influential; communicate passionately to engage                 influential, charismatic, captivating, engaging.

remain committed and focus on the goal                               obsessed, the goal is all that matters, it must be
                                                                                                      achieved at all cost.

increase trust, motivate and provide enduring                      increase fear, resentment, coercion
supports to followers.

entrusiastic.                                                                                 zealot

connected with others.                                                             isolated, alone and apart.

empathy for others, humble.                                                    apathy for others, arrogrant.

healthy self-esteem, accurate and realistic self-                   low or fragile-high self-esteem, egotism,
appraisal, solicit and accept feedbacks/criticism.                 narcissism, or even psychopatic, avoid
                                                                                                     and reject criticism.

concerned for the cause, the organization, and                    concerned only for the self.
the people being led.

broadly and ethically principled, fair and generous.           unprincipled, selfish.

responsible.                                                                                irresponsible.

consistent, reliable, logical, authentic, well adjusted,        volatile, whacky, irritable.
and emotionally stable.

realistic.                                                                                     optimistic.

listen and dialogue.                                                                  monolog, lecture, engage in tirades.

respect, reciprocate, and symmetic.                                       strongly asymmetrical.

open, communicative.                                                              secretive.

concerned with substance.                                                    concerned with image.

evidence based.                                                                       dominance based.

considerate.                                                                               invasive, intrusive, and obnoxius.


