วันเสาร์ที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

็Hope ความหวัง

Hope:ความหวัง by Leland R.Beaumont ลองอ่านดูเผื่อว่าเราจะทำอะไรต่อไปได้บ้าง

Yes,trouble is brewing, but you are convinced it can all turn out well. You believe with all the depths of your being that things will get better. You have hope; and you are doing things to improve your future. Your are fearing the worst but expecting the best.

Hope fuels the human spirit. It drive us forward, encourages us to overcome obstacles, and keeps us focused on achieving worthwhile goals.It encourages imagination and risk-taking and can lead to positive transformations.

Whenever you have hope, you have to plan for the worst as you anticipate the best.James Stockade said," Retain faith that you will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties and at the same time confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they may be." This statement is still applicable to all of us in our day-to-day living.

" Give up now, don't even try, I already know there is nothing I can do to help. Why bother? I won't even waste my time trying; it is futile. This is the region of learned helplessness and the defeatist attitude.The more I learn, the more hopeless this becomes. I cannot overcome the obstacles; further effort is futile. I am discouraged and choose not to go on. I will save myself for another day. Life is too short to put on a rope. I will admit the defeat and move on to the next challenge." These are the statements of the false hope, and the lost hope.

When you are not feeling well, you have lost something valuable, you are crying or tearful, you are sad; you recognize the irrevocable loss, then, what will you do? You can turn your thoughts to the future and leave the past behind, you have accepted the loss and should get on with your life. Never give up.The future belongs to you

