วันเสาร์ที่ 25 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Earning Trust

Trust is congruence between what is said and what is done. You heard what they said, but can you rely on their promises? Can you trust them? It takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion to destroy it. Broken promises lead to distrust. Trust depends on two independent components; intent and ability. There is no trust, unless you intend to fulfill your agreements and keep your words. But intent is not enough, you have to deliver on your promises, and that requires the ability to do what you promise. Our trust in someone's abilities is limited to their areas of expertise. We trust the dentist with our teeth, but not with a car repair.We are all specialists. Do not promise more than you can deliver, and do not tempt others to promise more than they can deliver as well. How can you earn trust? These behaviors can help you earn the trust of others.

1. Express yourself authentically, speak carefully, accurately, clearly, and honestly to gain and sustain a full and accurate common understanding.
2. Understand what is being proposed, described, and discussed; the expectation of others, problems you might encounter, the risks involved, changes that may occur, what are you agreeing to, others you may need to rely on, and your preparation and ability to meet commitments.Establish and maintain clear expressions.
3. Do not promise more than you can deliver, do not over commit.
4. Make and keep promises, do what you say.
5. Behave consistently and predictably, avoid unpleasant surprises and erratic behavior. Do not manipulate others, be entirely clear about your full intentions.
6. Provide early notice of problems, obstacles, and choices. Share your thoughts, concerns, and proposed solutions. Face issues and obstacles directly, fully, and promptly. Don't make assumptions.
7. Manage risk. Foresee risks early and take steps to reduce the uncertainty and impact.
Work transparently, keep others up to date on progress and problems, allow others to observe the progress of your work, involve others in key decisions. Expose any hidden agendas, source of influence, or vested interest.
8. Use dialogue to reveal, describe, and solve unanticipated problems.
9. Take responsibility for solving problems and deliver results. Don't blame others for problems you can anticipate, avoid, or solve yourself. Do your best, especially when it matters most.
10. Acknowledge your humanity, anticipate your limitations and inevitable mistakes.Quickly identify, acknowledge, repair, and apology for errors. Learn from your mistakes. Remain humble.
11. Ensure both truth and grace.
12. Provide authentic, proportional, and timely feedback expressing your careful and thoughtful assessments, both positive and negative of the issues and relationships.
13. Accomplish the task as you strengthen the relationship.
14. Demonstrate and express your appreciation of others as you reaffirm your commitment to strengthening a meaningful relationship.
15. Confront and resolve conflicts so obstacles can be identified, resolved, and overcome.

Failing to help others or dragging your feet when you could help others succeed is no good to you. Do what you say. Trust breeds trust.

trust    ความไว้เนื้อเชื่อใจ
be congruence with    สอดคล้องกับ/เข้ากันได้กับ
to rely on   ไว้วางใจ
suspicion   ความสงสัย/แคลงใจ
to depend on    ขึ้นอยู่กับ
to tempt    ล่อลวง
grace     ความสง่างาม/นิสัยดี
authentic    ของจริง/แท้
confront and resolve   ผจญหน้าและแก้ปัญหา
proportional and timely    ได้สัดได้ส่วน/เหมาะสมและเหมาะเจาะ
commitments     คำมั่นสัญญา
to reaffirm    ยืนยัน/ยืนกราน
to identify    ชี้ชัดออกมา
key decision   ตัวตัดสินใจที่สำคัญ
appreciation     สิ่งที่ชื่นชอบ
humanity    ความเป็นมนุษย์ของเรา
feedback    การตอบสนองกลับ
to manipulate others   ใช้คนอื่นเป็นเครื่องมือเพื่อผลประโยชน์ของเรา


