วันเสาร์ที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Black Friday for Norway.

BEIJING, July 23 (Xinhuanet) -- In Norway, the death toll has risen to at least 80 from a shooting spree at an island youth camp. Police have arrested the gunman, who wore a police uniform during the massacre and has suspected links to right-wing extremism.
Black Friday for Norway.
Hundreds of young people were attending the summer camp organized by the youth wing of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg's Labor Party on the Island of Utoya, 35 kilometers northwest of Oslo.
Jorgen Benone, Youth Camp Participant, said, "We went to eat inside the dining hall when we heard panic down by the water. People were jumping out of windows and running everywhere in all directions, terrified for their life. The gunman was dressed as a policeman and he was trying to ensure that he was kind of helping us. He called for us to come over. He had a rifle that he used to shoot. I saw people being shot. It was total chaos."
It took investigators several hours to realize the full scope of Friday's massacre.
Oystein Maeland, Police Director, said, "One reason why we haven't released more information until now was because it has taken time to search the area. It goes without saying that this gives some dimensions to the incident that are exceptional. It is important to us, in this critical phase, to ensure that relatives are taken care of properly."
Police warn the death toll could rise further.
Amateur video showed rescue teams on the island helping victims - some appearing to be badly injured, or even dead.
Police haven't released the name of the gunman, but Norwegian national broadcaster NRK identified him as 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik, adding that police searched his Oslo apartment overnight.
The suspect's background puzzles Norway police: the blond and blue-eyed Norwegian is a right-winger with anti-Muslim views, but no known links to hardcore extremists.
 (Source: cntv.cn)
a shooting spree   การยิงอย่างวุ่นวาย/ไม่เลือกคนเลือกที่
the death toll    ยอดคนที่ตาย
the gunman   มือปีน
during the massacre   ช่วงระหว่างการฆ่าหมู่
right-wing extremist   พวกขวาจัด
to attend the camp    เข้าค่ายประชุมหมู่
it was total chaos    สับสลวุ่นวายไปหมด
investigators   นักสืบ/ผู้สืบคดี/ตำรวจ
the incident   เหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้น
be exceptional    ผิดปกติ/ไมใช่ธรรมดา
in this critical phase   สถานะการณ์ที่วิกฤษนี้
background    พื้นหลัง//ประวัติของเขา



