วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

No more struggling with guilt.

Feeling guilty, it really does make you feel like a huge weight is on your shoulders the whole time. Everything you did or thought seemed to be governed by how guilty you felt. It is very draining and distressing living with a constant feeling of guilt. The guilt stops you from making the most effective and efficient decisions. Guilt often comes from trying to avoid something. It really helps if you can take a moment and ask yourself what you are thinking about. Focus on what you do want, start thinking of actual solutions and work toward it. You will find that as soon as you start doing it, the feeling of guilt will go away.

Sometimes you feel guilty for what you have done. " I shouldn't have done that " or " It is my fault " or may be " I should have known better " Never mind, you can begin your life again, don't just beating yourself over things that happened in the past. Use the guilt to make positive changes in your life.

You may come across some people who are absolute experts at making you feeling guilty. They seem to able to just pick up on what you feel insecure about. They can push your buttons. When you meet these kind of people,don't allow your feelings of anxiety and fear take over your rational thought. Take control over your emotions and choose the way how you want to respond. This way you rule your life, not emotion and fear. Understand these negative people and see how they operate will completely change your entire perspective and you can finally let go of the anxiety and fear.

If you don't believe in yourself, you often seek approval from others. This may be the real reason you end up feeling guilty all the time. Take back control of your life so that you are living the life you want and not just respond to your feeling of guilt all the time. Know what you want to do, do it reasonably and your life will be happy. The world is the way it is, it is not what you think it should be.

to struggle   ดิ้นรน 
feel guilty   รู้สึกว่าได้ทำอะไรผิดไป
to be governed by    ถูกครอบงำโดย
to be draining and distressing    หมดแรงหมดกำลังใจ/เศร้าใจ
to pick up on you   หาเรื่องทะเลาะ/เอาเรื่องกับเรา
can put your buttons    สามารถทำให้เราโกรธได้ 
to feel insecure   รู้สึกไม่ปลอดภัย/เป็นจุดอ่อน
to respond    โต้ตอบ/ตอบสนองกับ
anxiety and fear    เรื่องกังวลใจ/วิตก/รันทด

