วันจันทร์ที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Sadness: you suffered an irrevocable loss

เรียบเรียงโดย ม. โชคชัย

You are sad because because you lost forever something valuable. You are suffering and seeking help or comfort. Sadness is the emotion, it is different from stress which is the energy we expend resisting the loss as we work to cope with it or overcome it. Many different types of losses can lead to sadness. These include material possessions, health, companionship, affection, stature,safety.

If you blame someone for you loss you feel anger. If you have lost stature or blame yourself for the loss you feel shame. If you feel you have lost affection to another person you feel jealousy, if you have lost safety or security you feel fear or anxiety. Loss of hope can lead to depression.

Sadness is an emotion, it lasts for minutes, or hours or perhaps as long as days. You can be in a sad mood lasting several days. Expressing of sadness often elicit helpful support and comfort from the community members.

Irrevocable loss is ubiquitous; it happens every day to everyone. We get older every day, yesterday is lost forever as our youth wanes. People get sick, injured, and die; summer vacation ends, our car get old and rusty, friends move away or die, sports contests are lost, we get passed over for promotion, or the political party we favor were defeated in the general election, and the list goes on endlessly. Buddhists teach about the inevitable impermanence of valuable things as a way to prepare us to cope better with the inevitable loss in our lives.

Most loss can only be prevented, once the loss occurs it usually cannot be remedied, compensated for, or fully recovered. This leads to regret and sometimes shame if you fail to prevent a loss. It also leads to resentment if you blame others for you loss. We waste enormous energy in futile attempts to recover from irrevocable loss. Events that can trigger our sadness are common occurrences. How we respond to these losses and the choices we make affect our peace of mind, well being, and our lives. You have to turn your thoughts to the future and leave the past behind, accept the loss and get on with the life reasonably. Do something to improve your future life, expecting the best will happen to you someday.


irrevocable loss   ความสูญเสียที่เอาคืนมาไม่ได้
inevitable impermanence    ความไม่แน่นอนที่ไม่อาจหลีกหนีได้
stature    ความสามารถต่างที่คุณมีคนยอมรับ
ubiquitous    มีอยู่ทั่วทุกหนทุกแห่ง
resentment    ขุ่นเครืองใจ
we get passed over promotion    ถูกข้ามหน้าข้ามตา

