วันพุธที่ 13 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Ways to improve your memory

In today's society, we are constantly bombarded with information, that it become difficult to store in our brain. Needless to say, we need a better memory today with all the information around us. Our jobs, our activities, and technology demands a greater memory than ever before.

If you are feeling overwhelmed and having trouble remembering even the simplest of things, you are not the only one! Here are ways that can help you improve your memory.

1. Eat the right food. Fiber and vitamin C rich food such as cantaloupe, blueberries, strawberries, asparagus, apples, and sweet potatoes can help enhance your memory.There is a saying" An apple a day can keep the doctor away." Fresh fruits are benefits to your health and brain.

2. Use technology to your advantage. Organizers, day planners, computers, alarm clocks, and the likes to help you recall and remember things that you would normally not.

3. Learn to visualize your thoughts. Your brain can think in terms of words and in terms of images. There fore, when memorizing an item, learn to recall it in ways that you can explain it, and in ways that you can see it.

4. Intend to memorize it. Our memory is at its best when we WANT tomemorize, and when we have a strong emotion to memorize. Ever read a text, then a minute later not remember it? Probably because you weren't that interested in it int the first place. To remember it, you have to WANT to remember it.

5.Use triggers. Associate memories with stimuli, such as images, sounds, smells, touch, tastes, languages, emotions, etc. Make your triggers positive, as your memory tends to block negative images, exaggerate its size and importance, incorporate humor, view it all in vivid 3 dimensional colors, and use symbols to help re call more complex messages.

Practice all those mentions above repeatedly, don't be lazy and you will get a good memory.

be constantly bombarded with...ถูกกระหน่ำด้วย...
feel overwhelmed    รู้สึกว่ารับเอาไว้มากเหลือเกิน
to improve     ทำให้ดีขึ้น
probably   อาจเป็นไปได้ว่า
symbols   สัญญาลักษณ์
incorporate humor   รวมเอาความขบขันไว้ด้วย
to exaggerate    ทำ/พูดให้เกินจริงเข้าไว้
to recall   เรียกคืนเอาความทรงจำเข้าไว้/พยายามนึก/จำ
our existence is inflicted with.....ความเป็นอยู่ของเรา/ชีวิตความเป็นอยู่ของเราเต็มไปด้วย.....
you would normally not   ปกติเราจะไม่ทำ
the likes   อะไรๆที่คล้ายๆกัน
triggers   ตัวช่วยกระตุ้น


