วันจันทร์ที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Thai-Cambodia troops must leave Preah Vihear Temple.( 18/7/11)

The UN's highest court has ordered Thailand and Cambodia to withdraw troops from a disputed border region near an ancient temple complex.

Cambodia had asked the International Court of Justice for a ruling after fighting broke out around the Preah Vihear temple earlier this year.

The temple belongs to Cambodia but much of the surrounding area is in Thailand.The judgment is part of a long-running case in which the ICJ is attempting to clarify earlier border rulings. The ruling is just the first round in what promises to be a lengthy and complex judicial process. Cambodia brought the case asking for a clarification on an ICJ decision from 1962 that awarded it the temple, but but left other issues vague. Thailand wants the case dropped, but has said it will respect the court's ruling.

The ICJ ruled that " both parties should immediately withdraw all their military personnel present in the demilitarised zone and refrain from any military presence in that zone". The court said UN observers would be sent to the area to oversee the ceasefire.

to withdraw troops     ถอนกองทหารออก
a disputed border region    เขตชายแดนที่มีปัญาพิพาทกันอยู่
a ruling    คำสั่งศาล
complex judicial process   ขบวนการทางศาลที่ซับซ้อน
issues  ประเด็นปัญหาต่างๆ
vague   คลุมเครือ/ไม่ชัดเจน
to clarify    ชี้ชัดออกมา
attempting    ความเพียรพยายาม
the demilitarised zone   เขตปลอดทหาร
observers    ผู้สังเกตการณ์
to oversee   ตรวจสอบ/ดูแล
ceasefire    การหยุดยิง


